The Ultimate

Color Swatch Generator

This is the first of its kind in the market for any Informatica solution. One can decode the source system’s color code (Hex Code) in real-time into a blend of colors from the universal palette through the media manager. It can eventually be stored in P360

Color Swatch Generator

Entirely Automated Procedure to Store Color Blends Up To 1 million

Color swatch generator for informatica product 360

Imagine a retail organization deals with a massive set of multimedia assets for its products. Every variant of a sellable item may be linked with numerous color swatches. In the current scenario, Informatica Media Manager has limited native support for tagging swatches entirely to images. Color Swatch Generator facilitate user base to flawlessly view a variant with all its linked swatches and applicable details from the P360 web client.


How Color Swatch Generator Adds Greater Value To Your Business

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